Words From Our Couples
Love Stories

Shauna & Tyler Rae
When you grow up in a small town like St. Marys, Ontario, you know of other people even if you don’t know them personally. That was Tyler and I. Even though we weren’t friends at the time, we were still connected at a young age through Tyler playing road hockey with my brother, and since his mom was my kindergarten teacher. In our final years of high school, Tyler and I had lockers in the same hallway at DCVI. For a while, he would just catch glances at me as I walked down the halls, but then one day his friend Louie messaged me on MSN to tell me that Tyler really liked me and suggested we hang out sometime.

Nadine & Chris Crozier
Chris and I met each other through mutual friends at University. At the time, his best friend was living with my best friend, but somehow we hadn’t crossed paths until one particular night when our friends threw a party. In the midst of talking and catching up with people, I somehow caught Chris’ eye from across the room. I must have had the same expression of interest on my face that he did, because for the first half of the night, we both tried to get close enough to each other to start a conversation.

Megan & Adam Fontaine
Adam and I aren’t your typical high school sweethearts, although that is where we met. At a young age, I remember knowing that Adam was my person. We started out as friends, but by grade 10, he became the only man on my mind – and from that point on, I was pretty much on a mission. It took a few years, but right before I was about to make my big to move to Toronto for college, we made it official.

Hayley & Patrick Johnston
Patrick and I were never supposed to meet. We were from different cities, went to different universities, traveled in totally different circles, and up until the day we met, never knew we had any friends in common. Everything changed on Friday, October 3rd, 2014 when we were both guests at a wedding.

Brittany & Brett Petrie
Growing up in small town St. Marys, Ontario, you basically know everyone, and everyone knows you. Brett was a couple of grades older than me, and not a part of my group of friends, but because he was a friend of my brother’s, we were familiar with one another. I never saw him in a romantic way (did I mention that he was a friend of my brother’s?), and then something all of a sudden changed on the night of my prom. Brett showed up at the after party, we talked and got to know each other, and we both felt a new, deeper connection.